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PO Box 34,

Gilbertsville, NY 13776



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Top Ten Reasons To Be A Designated Good Sport

  1. Because taunting, trash talk and intimidating behavior have no place in youth sports.
  2. Your admission is to watch the performance of highly-impressionable kids -- not a license to abuse coaches, officials, players and other spectators.
  3. You want others to treat you the way you want to be treated -- and how many of us want to be treated with disrespect?
  4. We need more positive role models for our kids.
  5. People don't always remember the final score -- but they always remember the fan on the touchline who made a fool our of him or herself.
  6. Because coaches and officials are also teachers. Why would you harass them in their classroom?
  7. A national survey indicates kids play sports to have fun, not to be number one!
  8. It's how you play the game that counts.
  9. It's simply the right thing to do.
  10. Because sportsmanship begins with you!

Good Sports Are Winners!


Striking Eagles Home Page Up ] Our Soccer Artists ] A kid's letter to parents ] Parental Support ] Soccer Mom ] Touchlines Rules for Spectators ] A father's letter to his son. ] [ Top Ten Reasons To Be A Designated Good Sport ] The 6 Things Parents Should Say to Their Player ] Tips for Parents ] The Parents' Creed ] A Poem ]

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